volunteers are
welcome to the Society of Sheng Hong Welfare Services
Society of Sheng Hong Welfare Services (SSHWS)
- We are set up as the welfare arm of Lorong Koo Chye Sheng Hong Temple Association.
- Our programs and services are secular in nature. We do not accept proselytizing practice from our employees, volunteers or associates.
- Our programs and services are inclusive and open to all residing in Singapore, regardless of age, race, language or religion.
- We are a registered society since 26 April 2000.
- We are a gazetted charity since 9 May 2000.
- We are given IPC status since 3 November 2000. Donations are tax-deductible.
- We have been a Full Member of National Council of Social Service (NCSS) since 18 November 2002.
- Our UEN Number is T00SS0066C.
our services What We Offer
your help is appreciated Make a Donation
Make a donation now and help vulnerable and disadvantaged family across Singapore turn their lives around. Your help really can do incredible things. Donate Nowwhat's happening News & Events
LPA NSA Workshop 持久授权书工作坊
Please note that the below workshops are face-to-face at 请注意,以下的工作坊是面对面在: 175 MacPherson Road, Singapore 348537. 请注意:这工作坊是由 Council for Third Age (C3A)监管的全国乐龄学苑 (NSA) 资助的活动 ,因此报名需提供您的个人资料以供呈交报告C3A。Fee 费用: $27 Walking directions from Potong Pasir MRT 如何从波东巴西地铁站前往我们中心: https://youtu.be/1s0Yq4GJzY8 Directions from bus stop to our centre 如何从巴士站前往我们中心: https://youtu.be/BRwVBVklipk Lasting Power of Attorney 持久授权书 (LPA) English 中文 9:30 am – 12:30pm 4 Jul, Thu https://forms.gle/qTJTejy5aDGx8jza6 […]2-in-1 educational talk 二合一教育讲座
Please note that the below workshops are face-to-face at 请注意,以下的工作坊是面对面在: 8 Eu Tong Sen St, #23-92, The Central, Singapore 059818. 请注意:这工作坊是由 Council for Third Age (C3A)监管的全国乐龄学苑 (NSA) 资助的活动 ,因此报名需提供您的个人资料以供呈交报告C3A。Fee费用: $15.60 Time 时间:930am – 1230pm English 中文 CANCELLED 9 月 20 日, 星期五 https://forms.gle/tjjdNVpoR1m8P1eQ8 25 Oct, Fri https://forms.gle/y62QXuga6wHkjX8d9 10 月 23 日, 星期三 https://forms.gle/uCV8ppj9iKa96Q5k6 20 Nov, Wed https://forms.gle/KwvctM363sufo6Sr7 11 月 […]Advance Care Planning 预先护理计划
Walking directions from Potong Pasir MRT 如何从波东巴西地铁站前往我们中心: https://youtu.be/1s0Yq4GJzY8 Directions from bus stop to our centre 如何从巴士站前往我们中心: https://youtu.be/BRwVBVklipk Advance Care Planning & Advance Medical Directive 预先护理计划以及预先医疗指示 (ACP & AMD) Advance Care Planning (English) https://youtu.be/5ZThCErrrUE Advance Medical Directive (English) https://youtu.be/nziXLOESHWI 预录视频: 预先护理计划(中文) https://youtu.be/CWQ1qo45ihk 预先医疗指示(中文)https://youtu.be/pgUNB_10izQ For more information, please call us at 6239 0936. 查询更多详情,请致电 6239 […]持久授权书 (LPA) 及 遗嘱 教育讲座 (3月19日)
日期:2024年3月19日 星期二 时间:9:30am-12:30pm 地点:福鼎遗嘱公司 (FortisWills) 8 Eu Tong Sen Street #23-92 The Central Office Tower 1 Singapore 059818 Clarke Quay 克拉码头 MRT Exit G 语言:华语 50岁及以上,新加坡公民/永久居民 讲座费用:$15.60 报名链接:https://forms.gle/NBqZ9wQm5FUf4qpc8 查询:98678446/62390936(毛先生)Free Talks 免费公共讲座
In celebration of Life Point’s 11th year anniversary, our public talks on Lasting Power of Attorney, Advance Care Planning and Will Making will be FREE OF CHARGE for the month of February! For enquiries and registration, please call 6239 0936 / 6538 9877 为了庆祝Life Point生命同行坊成立 11 周年,我们在二月份将免费举办有关持久授权书、预先护理计划和遗嘱须知的公开讲座! 报名请致电 6239 0936 或 6538 9877持久授权书 (LPA) 及 遗嘱 教育讲座 (12月14日)
日期:2023年12月14日 星期四 时间:9:30am-12:30pm 地点:福鼎遗嘱公司 (FortisWills) 8 Eu Tong Sen Street #23-92 The Central Office Tower 1 Singapore 059818 Clarke Quay 克拉码头 MRT Exit G 语言:华语 50岁及以上,新加坡公民/永久居民 讲座费用:$15 报名链接: https://forms.gle/tC8UbQCRfYTy9wfp9 查询:98678446(毛先生)LAW of Life – ACP & AMD Workshop 生命法则工作坊 – 《预先护理计划》与《预先医疗指示》
English Workshop Registration: https://tinyurl.com/ACPNSA12Dec 中文工作坊报名链接:https://tinyurl.com/ACPNSA13DecLAW of Life – LPA Workshop 生命法则工作坊 – 《持久授权书 LPA》
中文工作坊 – 报名链接:https://forms.gle/Sp8CxqLZizBgnkSc8 English Workshop Registration: https://forms.gle/tGCEw5wQ8wigipRW9持久授权书 (LPA) 及 遗嘱 教育讲座 (11月21日)
日期:2023年11月21日 星期二 时间:9:30am-12:30pm 地点:福鼎遗嘱公司 (FortisWills) 8 Eu Tong Sen Street #23-92 The Central Office Tower 1 Singapore 059818 Clarke Quay 克拉码头 MRT Exit G 语言:华语 50岁及以上,新加坡公民/永久居民 讲座费用:$15 报名链接: https://forms.gle/Sx93GryXAHeXAY9C6 查询:98678446(毛先生)圆满人生学习小组 (2023年11-12月)
透过8堂一共16小时的小组体验活动以及彼此的讨论分享,您可以学到如何接纳自己的人生经历,并由此学习如何规划善终,乐观面对人生的最后阶段。 费用$84,包含政府津贴和消费税,平均每小时只是5块多而已 日期:11月27、29日 12月4、6、11、13、18、20日 星期一 和 三 时间:2:30pm-4:30pm 地点:生命同行坊 @ 信立 175 MacPherson Road Singapore 348537 语言:华语 50岁及以上,新加坡公民/永久居民 讲座费用:$84 报名链接: https://forms.gle/n47h9GtsTDp4AfWt6 查询:98678446(毛先生)生命同行坊 x 全国乐龄学苑:汉语拼音课程
想要学习如何用汉语拼音更便利的发送简讯?那就来参加有由生命同行坊主办,全国乐龄学苑赞助的汉语拼音班课程。 报名链接 : https://forms.gle/AjDw6f43KqwJENpf8Brain Stimulating Workshop (English)
Good news! Life Point will be offering Brain Stimulating workshop in English in the month of October 2023. This is the first time Life Point is offering this popular course to English-speaking seniors. We hope that more seniors can benefit from this course to keep their brains […]《玩出健康快乐的大脑》课程
快来参加11月份的“玩出健康快乐的大脑”课程,通过不同的游戏,锻炼您的大脑。 您可通过以下链接或拨打电话 8321 2181 报名。 https://forms.gle/s3rNoE9zvi831Pxb8 名额有限!持久授权书 (LPA) 及 遗嘱 教育讲座 (10月31日)
日期:2023年10月31日 星期二 时间:9:30am-12:30pm 地点:福鼎遗嘱公司 (FortisWills) 8 Eu Tong Sen Street #23-92 The Central Office Tower 1 Singapore 059818 Clarke Quay 克拉码头 MRT Exit G 语言:华语 50岁及以上,新加坡公民/永久居民 讲座费用:$15 报名链接: https://forms.gle/JWukcXFtTkY3swrX8 查询:98678446(毛先生)Zoom Talk Registration 线上讲座报名
Advance Care Planning & Advance Medical Directive 预先护理计划以及预先医疗指示 (ACP & AMD) Pre-recorded talk video: Advance Care Planning (English) https://youtu.be/5ZThCErrrUE Advance Medical Directive (English) https://youtu.be/nziXLOESHWI 预录视频: 预先护理计划(中文) https://youtu.be/CWQ1qo45ihk 预先医疗指示(中文) https://youtu.be/pgUNB_10izQ Lasting Power of Attorney 持久授权书 (LPA) English 中文 06/10/2023 (Fri) 1030am https://forms.gle/na5wgzXkNjAcDYRt6 05/10/2023 (星期四) 早上10点半 已取消 (cancelled) 08/11/2023 (Wed) 1030am 03/11/2023 (星期五) 早上10点半 https://forms.gle/Ljb1ARZmPNj8zScR6 08/12/2023 […]持久授权书 (LPA) 及 遗嘱 教育讲座 (8月17日)
日期:2023年8月17日 星期四 时间:9:30am-12:30pm 地点:福鼎遗嘱公司 (FortisWills) 8 Eu Tong Sen Street #23-92 The Central Office Tower 1 Singapore 059818 Clarke Quay 克拉码头 MRT Exit G 语言:华语 50岁及以上,新加坡公民/永久居民 讲座费用:$15 报名链接: https://forms.gle/dFki8A6vUJCdogvj9 查询:98678446(毛先生)NSA: 银色年华
想知道如何正确的认识自己,提高自我价值和生活质量?学习各种处理情绪的⽅法以更好地与他⼈沟通? 让 “银色年华” 课程教您如何运⽤过往的⼈⽣经验,发挥个⼈智慧,以乐观良好的心态对待人生,从而享受及欣赏⽣活的每⼀细节! 报名链接 : https://forms.gle/DzXTJucheZjw9J7i9Educational Talk on Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) & Will Making (14 Aug)
Date: Monday, 14 Aug 2023 Time: 9:30am-12:30pm Venue: FortisWills office 8 Eu Tong Sen Street #23-92 The Central Office Tower 1 Singapore 059818 Clarke Quay MRT Exit G Language: English Talk Fee: $15 For 50 years old & above, Singaporean/PR Registration Link: https://forms.gle/1oR7GGmTKSGZe2q17 Contact: 98678446 (Peter)NSA: Japanese Pastel Nagomi Art 日本和谐粉彩指绘
Come to explore the beauty and fun of creating Japanese Nagomi Pastel Art. This is an art of which pastel pigment powers are applied with the fingers to create a gentle soft, heart-warming and inspiring art piece through simple yet unique ways of panting. The process of painting will calm one’s feeling and […]持久授权书 (LPA) 及 遗嘱 教育讲座 (6月21日)
日期:2023年6月21日 星期三 时间:9:30am-12:30pm 地点:福鼎遗嘱公司 (FortisWills) 8 Eu Tong Sen Street #23-92 The Central Office Tower 1 Singapore 059818 Clarke Quay 克拉码头 MRT Exit G 语言:华语 50岁及以上,新加坡公民/永久居民 讲座费用:$15 报名链接: https://forms.gle/FnFsF1WKzJxHBmtg8 查询:98678446(毛先生)Culinary Workshop in collaboration with Sennett NC interest group
We’ve resumed Culinary Interest Group! (28 March 2023) The cooking sessions are facilitated by Sennett residents and participants are mostly from Sennett Estate. Today’s menu we have Taro sweet sand and steam yam cake. Participants feedback that this gave them the opportunity to meet their friends/ neighbors through their favorite culinary session. This will be […]Educational Talk on Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) & Will Making (25 May)
Date: Thursday, 25 May 2023 Time: 9:30am-12:30pm Venue: FortisWills office 8 Eu Tong Sen Street #23-92 The Central Office Tower 1 Singapore 059818 Clarke Quay MRT Exit G Language: English Fee: $15 For 50 years old & above, Singaporean/PR Registration Link: https://forms.gle/K3ZigT5THBawV8DX6 Contact: 98678446 (Peter Mao)持久授权书 (LPA) 及 遗嘱 教育讲座 (5月17日)
日期:2023年5月17日 星期三 时间:9:30am-12:30pm 地点:福鼎遗嘱公司 (FortisWills) 8 Eu Tong Sen Street #23-92 The Central Office Tower 1 Singapore 059818 Clarke Quay 克拉码头 MRT Exit G 语言:华语 50岁及以上,新加坡公民/永久居民 费用:$15 报名链接: https://forms.gle/pgrtF4MZRUM4tRHB8 查询:98678446(毛先生)持久授权书 (LPA) 及 遗嘱 教育讲座 (4月19日)
日期:2023年4月19日 星期三 时间:9:30am-12:30pm 地点:福鼎遗嘱公司 (FortisWills) 8 Eu Tong Sen Street #23-92 The Central Office Tower 1 Singapore 059818 Clarke Quay 克拉码头 MRT Exit G 语言:华语 50岁及以上,新加坡公民/永久居民 费用:$15 报名链接:https://forms.gle/FGHtSP5ui3f1Mcyc6 查询:98678446(毛家炎先生)Educational Talk on Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) & Will Making (13 Apr)
Date: Thursday, 13 April 2023 Time: 9:30am-12:30pm Venue: FortisWills office 8 Eu Tong Sen Street #23-92 The Central Office Tower 1 Singapore 059818 Clarke Quay MRT Exit G Language: English Fee: $15 For 50 years old & above, Singaporean/PR Registration Link: https://forms.gle/XTAmk7ASDehj48oP9 Contact: 98678446 (Peter Mao)Footprints of Life 3 《那些年。。。生命足迹》3
As part of Life Point’s efforts in encouraging seniors to preserve their memories, we have been organising the ‘Autobiography Writing’ course under National Silver Academy (NSA) with the help of Trainer, Mr Yeo Thiang Swee. The process of writing aims to help seniors review their life and pass down their legacy to their descendants and […]SCC year end party
Upcoming Programmes
Suicide prevention is everyone’s business. It is Society of Samaritan’s (SOS) ambition to shift from a culture of silence, to one of openness and empathy, though empowering the wider community to be more vigilant and encourage them to keep a look out for anyone in distress. SCDF has a Community Emergency Preparedness Programme (CEPP) which […]Resumption of normal opening hours
With the easing of Covid-19 measures, evening sessions have resumed. The opening hours are now as per below. Normal Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 5.30pm Saturday: 9am – 1pm (By appointment only) Closed for lunchtime: 1pm – 2pm Extended Opening Hours: Thursday: 6pm – 8pm (Temporarily suspended)汉语拼音班 2023
上课日 期 :2023 年,4月 6日,13 日 , 20日,27日, 5月 4日, 11 日,18日 星期四 (共 7 节课) 上课时间 : 下午 2点半 至 4点 上课地址 :生命同行坊(信立),175 麦波申路, 邮区 348537 报名链接: https://forms.gle/5zASV9xoHX5fFeTS6 询问电话 :8321 2181 (王玉珠 Cynthia Ong)We are moving temporarily 我们要暂时搬家咯!
Footprints of Life 2 《那些年。。。生命足迹》2
中文版 As part of Life Point’s efforts in preserving the memories of seniors, we had collaborated with Mr Yeo Thiang Swee (Trainer) on several occasions to organise an ‘Autobiography Writing’ course for the seniors via National Silver Academy (NSA). This autobiography book ‘<<那些年……生命足迹2>> Footprints of Life 2’ is a culmination of efforts from the […]< 那些年...生命足迹2 > 新书发布会 Footprints of Life 2 Book Launch
As part of Life Point’s efforts in preserving the memories of seniors, we had collaborated with Mr Yeo Thiang Swee (Trainer) on several occasions to organise an ‘Autobiography Writing’ course for the seniors via National Silver Academy (NSA). This autobiography book ‘<<那些年……生命足迹2>> Footprints of Life 2’ is a culmination of efforts from the NSA 2021 […]Entering 4th Age Free Zoom Talk
Entering 4th Age is a free 2-session talk series that aims to equip seniors (age 50 and above) with information on social services, medical services, and other relevant services that they might require, teach them ways to communicate end-of-life matters with their loved ones and to introduce them to certain end-of-life related documents. Dates: […]Interfaith Forum 跨宗教论坛 2021
中文版 In October 2021, Life Point conducted our first Interfaith forum via Zoom (in both English and Mandarin). We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the invited speakers, moderators, and the audience who have helped to make our Interfaith Forum a great success. Through this forum, we hoped to address the quest for […]Human Organ Transplant Act Talk 人体器官移植法令 (HOTA) 讲座
Date: 9 Dec, Thursday Time: 1030am-1130am Language: English Format: Zoom Please call 65389877 or use this link to register https://forms.gle/q8dGBj4h5Vtyd3jF9 日期:2021年11月24日 (星期三) 时间:上午10点半至上午11点半 语言:华语 形式:Zoom网上讲座 内容: • 什么是人体器官移植法令? • […]Change of Opening Hours for Hougang Sheng Hong FSC
In response to the Enhanced Precautionary Measures to fight against the community spread of COVID-19 viruses, do note that the evening sessions for FSC will be temporarily suspended with immediate effect and will be reviewed upon Multi Ministry Taskforce further advice. Our staff will continue to work serve you on a split team arrangement basis. Should you […]Court Appointed Deputy
A Deputy is a Court-appointed decision maker for someone who can no longer make his or her own decisions. Has your loved one lost mental capacity, without first making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)? Want to find out more about the roles of a Deputy and how you can apply to be one? Watch […]Enhanced Precautionary Measure Against COVID-19
Dear Parents, As we are preparing for the transition to TraceTogether-only SafeEntry for all by January 2021, all students entering the centre will need to use TraceTogether Token or Mobile App for SafeEntry check-in. Kindly ensure that your child has the TraceTogether Token or download the latest TraceTogether app onto his/her mobile phone as soon […]New Payment Methods 最新付款方式
Hi everyone! Life Point has updated our payment methods for all our services. Please click on the photo to find out more. For enquries please call us at 6538 9877 or email us at lifepoint@shenghong.org.sg 大家好!生命同行坊已更新了我们的付款方式。清点按以上的照片看您能如何支付讲座或课程费用。 若有任何询问,请致电6538 9877或发电邮到 lifepoint@shenghong.org.sg ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]Donate to a Cause 捐助慈善事业
Life Point is a non-profit organisation that relies on government funding as well as public donation. With your support and contribution, we are able to continue to fulfill our social mission and strive to provide our services with affordable charges. For donations that require tax deduction, please contact us at 6538 9877 or email […]World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2020
Singapore Hospice Council (SHC) is celebrating the annual World Hospice and Palliative Care Day in the month of October 2020! Do join in the free upcoming “HeARTS in ACTion” Webinars on 24 and 25 October 2020 as we continue to celebrate World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2020. To register, please scan the respective QR […]AIC Community Care “Thank You” & “Born To Care” Campaign
#ThankYouProject We might not know their faces, or even their names. But that doesn’t stop Community Care staff from touching our seniors’ lives, every single day. Help us thank our Community Care heroes at www.aic.sg/thankyou #BornToCare We are all looking for that calling – that one thing that we were born to do. […]Zoom Talk on Pre-plan Funeral and Coping with Grief
Date: 29 Oct 2020 (Thurs) Time: 10.30am Language: English Topics covered includes: 1. Benefits of pre-planning one’s funeral 2. How to pre-plan one’s funeral 3. How to deal with grief and loss 4. How to help someone dealing with grief and loss Please register now at https://forms.gle/ehfTTyk6bXhcRTEi9 or call 6538 9877.Online Reminiscence Workshop – 5 sessions
Let’s get Nostalgic! On 16, 18, 23, 25, 30 September (Wed & Fri) 2.30-4.30pm Eligibility: 1) Age 50 or above with no hearing impairment 2) English literate 3) Have a laptop with camera and speaker for Zoom sharing 4) Can commit to all 5 sessions Limited on 8 pax only! Register now at https://forms.gle/NgTiaUF64DsiRABa7 or […]Hougang Sheng Hong FSC is Social Media ready!
We’re on social media and we’d love you to give us a follow! At HSHFSC, we would love to share healthy tips, contests and stay updated on the latest news and information. We would love for you to join us on our journey to celebrate our successes and empower the community. Click on the link […]Deputyship Duties Webinar 代理人代理人行使权及义务 网络研讨会
Know of a newly-appointed Deputy who is caring for someone who has lost mental capacity? Invite them to our upcoming webinar on Deputyship Duties (in Mandarin)! Date: 29 July 2020 (Wednesday) Time: 6:30pm – 8pm Participants will gain access to real-time, online training and resources to better carry out duties as a Deputy. Register now […]Life Point Bereavement Mandarin Talk 生命同行坊善别中文讲座
Topics covered include 将被讨论的话题 : 1. Benefits of pre-planning one’s funeral 预先规划丧礼的好处 2. How to pre-plan one’s funeral 筹备丧礼的窍门 3. How to deal with grief and loss 怎样面对失落与哀伤 4. How to help someone dealing with grief and loss 怎样抚慰丧亲的亲友,让哀不再伤? Please call 6538 9877 for registration and more information. 请拨打65389877报名或询问更多详情。National Silver Academy Virtual Roadshow 2020 全国乐龄学苑网上路演
NSA Virtual Roadshow 2020 全国乐龄学苑网上路演 As part of Council for Third Age (C3A)’s ongoing efforts to promote positive ageing, lifelong learning and senior volunteerism, C3A will be organising our inaugural NSA Virtual Roadshow from 27 July to 2 August 2020, which will offer seniors aged 50 years and above an array of online and […]Re-opening of Life Point Office 生命同行坊办公室重新开放
Under the latest guidelines from the Ministry of Health, anyone who enters Life Point must check-in using the Safe Entry system, wear a mask, measure body temperature. Clients are only allowed into our centre on an appointment basis. We will also continue to run our popular talks online to make up for the restriction on […]Registration for Year 2020 & 2021
Registration is now opened for Year 2020 & 2021 The centre is now opened for new registration! Interested parents please call us at 68585862 to find out more about our curriculum and make an appointment to visit us at 175 Macpherson Road (348537). We look forward to meeting you.Closure of Hougang Sheng Hong FSC
In response to heightened precautionary measure to introduce circuit breaker for COVID-19, our Centre premises will be closed from 7 April 2020 to 1 Jun 2020. All our staff will continue to work remotely from home to serve you. Should you need help or assistance, please call 62895022 during the following operation hours: Monday to Friday: […]Next Life Book Project 数码善别服务
Next Life Book Project 数码善别服务 Have you ever thought of a way to comfort your loved ones when you’re no longer around? What if you can leave a message/photo/video for them, and pass life lessons to your future generations? Life Point collaborated with NextLifeBook to bring this service to you – FREE! Imagine your loved one […]Community Support during Covid-19 Circuit Breaker Period
“Helping People Makes This World A Better Place!” and I cannot agree more to this quote by Catherine Pulsifer. And indeed a group of donors did just that during this difficult period. The group aptly named as “Covid-19 Support Group” where they generously supported our Client’s children with laptops to cater to their home-based […]CLOSURE OF SHENGHONG ACTIVE AGEING HUB@ SENNETT 信立乐龄中心暂停开放
In view of the “circuit breaker” measures to minimise further spread of COVID-19, our Centre premises will be closed from 7 April 2020 to 1 June 2020. All our staff will continue to work remotely from home to serve you. For assistance, please Whatsapp/ call us at 8248 7099 or email: aah@shenghong.org.sg during the following […]Closure of Life Point office
Please be informed that Life Point’s office in Chinatown will be closed from 7 Apr 2020 to 1 June 2020 in accordance with the latest government guidelines on COVID-19. Our hotline, 6538 9877, remains in operation. We wish you all good health. 配合政府关于新冠病毒的最新措施,生命同行坊在牛车水唐城坊的办公室将于4月7日至6月1日暂停开放。这段期间您仍可拨打查询电话65389877,会有同事接听。祝各位身体健康!Parent-Teacher Conference
Parent-Teacher Conference Via Zoom Date : Saturday, 25 April 2020 Time : 8:30 am – 1:00 pm Parent–Teacher Conference is a great opportunity to: discuss your child’s progress share your child’s strengths and needs work with the teacher to help your child do well in schoolPublic Talks Apr to Jun 2020
Life Point conducts educational talks on topics related to end-of-life matters in Apr-Jun 2020. The topics include: Advance Care Plan, Advance Medical Directive, Will, Lasting Power of Attorney, Deputyship Please take note that following the latest COVID-19 advisory, April talk dates are cancelled.2020年4月至6月公开讲座
生命同行坊在2020年4月至6月,举办各项有关规划善终的公开讲座。 包括: 预先护理计划、 预先医疗指示、 遗嘱、 持久授权书、 代理人 请留意,根据新冠病毒的最新指引,4月的讲座一律取消。Parent Workshop
Dear parents, In view of the current COVID-19 development, MOE and MSF have announced that Student Care Centre to suspend service from 8 April 2020 till 4 May 2020. Therefore, the coming Parent Workshop on 17 April 2020 will be cancelled. Please monitor your kid for fever three times a day. Lets us all do […]Parent Workshop
Dear parents, Please be informed that due to the current COVID-19 situation, the above workshop will be re-scheduled to 17th April 2020 Friday from 6.15pm till 7.15pm. We strongly encourage parents to sign up for the workshop. Parents will be able to understand the importance of core values, and learn how to instill good values […]In the News
In the News – Lianhe Zaobao 联合早报 – 29 January 2020新年快乐!”鼠”年吉祥!
The Management & Staff of Macpherson Sheng Hong Childcare Centre Wish you & Your family a Happy Lunar Year! May you be blessed with Good Health, Good Luck & Happiness throughout the year! 祝你有 “鼠”不尽的快乐!”鼠”不尽的收获! “鼠”不尽的钞票!”鼠”不尽的笑容! “鼠”不尽的幸福!”鼠”不尽的喜气! “鼠”不尽的财富!”鼠”不尽的甜蜜! “鼠”不尽的激情!”鼠”不尽的活力! “鼠”不尽的健康!”鼠”不尽的荣誉!“Footprints of Life” Book Project 《那些年。。。生命足迹 》计划
Footprints of Life 那些年。。。生命足迹 As part of Life Point’s efforts in preserving the memories of seniors, and assisting them in passing down their legacy to their descendants or general members of the public, the idea for the “Footprints of Life” book was born. This book was co-authored by 14 seniors, who all participated in Mr […]NUS CSC Day 2020
Dear parents, NUS Students’ Community Service Club is inviting our children to join them on their 15th CSC Day at NUS on 18th January 2020. Our children will be able to forge connections and interact with other youth, elderly and persons with intellectual disability in this coming event. In addition, they will learn to […]In The News
In The News – Lianhe Zaobao 联合早报 -1 January 2020MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR
MacPherson Sheng Hong Childcare Centre wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 麦波申城隍托儿中心祝大家圣诞快乐!新年进步!PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCE
Parent-Teacher Conference Date : Saturday, 23rd & 30th November 2019 Time : 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Parent–Teacher Conference is a great opportunity to: discuss your child’s progress share your child’s strengths and needs work with the teacher to help your child do well in schoolIndian Festival of Art
Dear parents, We are pleased to inform you that our children are invited by Esplanade to attend the Indian Festival of Art on 23rd November 2019. This annual festival celebrates Indian arts during the festive period of Deepavali. Our children will be able to enjoy the arts and learn about the beauty of Indian culture […]Sustainable S’pore Gallery
Dear parents, Great news! We are invited by Sustainable Singapore Gallery (SSG) to participate in SSG School programmes on 21st November 2019. The programmes seek to extend sustainability, character, citizenship education, science, geography and social studies learning beyond the classrooms, enhancing these efforts by providing an authentic and experiential learning platform. The programmes will equip […]Outing to Children Biennale 2019: Embracing Wonder
Hougang Sheng Hong Family Service Centre organized an outing for the children whose families are beneficiaries from the in-house programmes during the September 2019 school holidays. It is an afternoon of fun and exploration at the National Gallery of Singapore for the children as well as the volunteers and staff involved. Special thanks to Deutsche […]Visit to Clusia Cove on 4th Oct 2019
Dear Parents, On 4th October 2019, we will be celebrating Children’s Day by bringing the children for picnic cum water play at Clusia Cove, Lakeside garden. Parents are highly encouraged to come along and bond with your child. Remember to bring extra clothes, towels and beach play toys (pails, buckets, shovels, water gun […]Commencement of JOM@237 Exercise Season 3 on 26 Aug 2019
Finally, the wait is over! We are starting again after another successful run of Season 2. JOM@237 Exercise is a weekly Zumba session held every Monday from 930am to 12 noon. Activities include Zumba exercises and thereafter followed by Health Talk or Cooking Demonstration. Watch this space or the notice board outside our FSC for […]Visit to Singapore Bicentennial Exhibition
Dear Parents The centre has organised a visit to the SG bicentennial Exhibition at Fort canning on 11 September 2019. It will be from 2pm to 5.30pm. It is free of charge and parents are invited to join us for this outing. Parents who are interested may response to us via the consent form […]Student Care Newsletters 2019
Dear parents We are pleased to inform that our newsletter for January to June 2019 is out. Please click on the link below to view our newsletter. Newsletter 2019 Thank you. Regards Admin Image extracted from https://www.westfield-chorustrust.org/news/?pid=3&nid=1&storyid=37 Please note that the file size of the newsletter is 31mb,Introductory session of “Wonderful Life Review Workshop” by Life Point
Life Point conducted an introductory session of “Wonderful Life Review Workshop” at our FSC for our Gold Zumba seniors on 22 Jul7 2019. The turn-up rate was positive as it can be seen from their participation and willingness to share. Members responded through registration for both Mandarin & English workshop.National Day Celebration 2019
Dear parents, We will be celebrating Singapore’s 54th birthday on Thursday, 8th August 2019 @ 9:00 am. Kindly have your child dress in red and white attire. Thank you.Visit by Mayor North East District, Mr Desmond Choo
It was our pleasure to host Mayor, North East District, Mr Desmond Choo when he visited our Family Service Centre premises on 17 June 2019. During the visit, Mayor got to know better the FSC’s services as well as our outreach efforts in the community.Maths workshop for parents
Dear parents We will be holding a free workshop by consultants from Aoni.Al on 2nd August 2019, Friday, from 6.15 pm to 7.15 pm. Objectives of the workshop:- -Overview of the mathematical concepts such as thinking skills and heuristics; -Conceptual approach to research-backed most effective methods to teach and […]Registration for new students for academic year 2020.
Dear Prospective Parents GOOD NEWS! The centre is now opened for new registration! Interested parents may visit us at Blk 238 Hougang Ave 1, #01-292, Singapore 530238 or call 62852726 to find out more. We look forward to meeting you. Regards Admin Graphic taken from http://www.trussvilleunitedsoccer.comKidsREAD Science experiment with ACJC 2019
The children from kidsREAD had an amazing and exciting time with the students from ACJC. It was a good learning experience for the children where they did a variety of science experiments to create different things like ice cream, slime and lava lamps. The students were very engaging and made the day fun and interesting […]Extended Interview of Cover Story in latest Life Point newsletter! 生命同行坊最新会刊封面故事的详细访问内容!
Life Point just published the latest newsletter and the cover story is about the “Live Well Leave Well” event in support of the inaugural National Advance Care Plan (ACP) week. You can read the newsletter here This is the extended interview of organizers This is the interview summary between Life Point (LP) and Mrs […]Seniors complimentary Eye check-up 长者免费眼睛检查
111 Seniors benefitted from the complimentary Eye check-up on 16 June 2019. This event is made possible by Singapore National Eye Centre, Lions Save Sight Centre and SG Serve. 6月16日,我们为111位长者免费检查眼睛。衷心感谢新加坡全国眼科中心,Lions Save Sight Centre 和 SG Serve 把这项活动带给社区的老人家。Student Care Centre closure on 19th July for Teacher training
Dear Parents The Student Care Centre will be closed on 19th July 2019 for teacher training. Centre will resume operation on 20th July 2019. We thank you for your understanding. Regards Admin“Sharing our Heritage with Community Day 2019” by YuYing Secondary School
Hougang Sheng Hong FSC was recently invited to join in the celebration of Yuying’s Secondary 109 years of school history. FSC staff participated in a tour of their newly refurbished Heritage Gallery, which showcased significant milestones in the school’s illustrious history. Nostalgic artefacts such as old attendance book, report cards, uniform were also put on […]JOM@237 “Lasting to the End” series on Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
As part of the JOM@237, ‘lasting to the end’ series sharing session, we had the privilege of having Mr Alex Yeo (Adviser to Aljunied GRC Grassroots Organisation for Paya Lebar) to conduct a workshop on the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). A total of 31 participants benefitted from the 2 hours sharing by Mr Yeo […]KidsREAD Outing to Gallop Stables generously sponsored by SIA Community Service Club
We are honoured to work together with SIA Community Service Club again to bring 22 of our children from the KidsRead programme to the Gallop Stables! It was an extremely exciting and meaningful day for the children as many of them gain their first-hand experience with the ponies at the stable. They were taught how […]ACJC Service-Learning Fair on 17th April 2019
HSHFSC is invited to participate in the ACJC Service-Learning Fair once again on 17th April 2019. It was a meaningful experience as we see students receive the opportunity to interact with many community partners and at the same time, heighten their awareness of the causes promoted by different community organizations. This year, our children team […]Parents’ Day Celebration 2019
INVITATION TO AFTERNOON TEA Dear Parents You are invited to afternoon tea for our Parents’ Day Celebration 2019. Date : Thursday, 23 May 2019 Time : 3:00 – 4:30 pm Please RSVP to the Class Teachers using the Diibear Comm-Book. Thank You! Our parents deserve our honour and respect for giving us life itself. Beyond […]Visit to Jewel Changi Airport on 22 May 2019
Dear Parents We are pleased to share that the centre has organised an outing to Jewel Changi Airport on 22 May 2019. Children will be able to view the below attractions; -> HSBC rain vortex, -> Shiseido Forest Valley, -> Pokemon Centre. Children participating in the above field trip will need to report […]”活得精彩,走得自在“ “Live Well. Leave Well.” Campaign
这是一个由生命同行坊和蒙福关爱主办的社区活动。作为“活得精彩,走得自在”运动和预先护理计划周2019的一部分,我们鼓励讲华语的人士,在5月11和12日,到唐城坊参与各个护理和社区机构所安排的多样化活动,除了舞台节目、摊位游戏,还可以报名出席公众讲座,进一步地了解各种帮忙你和家人规划晚年的方法。Important Announcement!
All our Centers will be closed on 29 & 30 April for Staff Retreat, and 1 May for Public Holiday. Our services will resume on 2 May. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank you.新讲座 – 申请为代理人 讲座
您正在照顾患中风,老年痴呆症或失去心智能力(包括小儿智障者)的亲人吗? 您的亲人是否有保险,公积金或被冻结的银行存款,需要您处理,并支付他的医疗和生活费用? 或者你是否想知道当你失去了心智能力,身边的人会如何为你作决定?New Talk – Deputyship Application Talk
Are you the caregiver of a loved one who had suffered from a Stroke, Dementia or Alzheimer’s? Does your loved one have insurance, CPF or bank monies frozen which you need to use for their medical care or living expenses? Or do you want to know how decisions would be made for you if […]Food safety in pre-schools: Some centres stick with in-house cooks
MacPherson Sheng Hong Childcare Centre has two in-house cooks serving about 150 children and staff. Its principal Wendy Tan said: “We can ensure the quality, hygiene and freshness of our food are not compromised.” Straitstimes article on in-house cooks In House CooksJOM@237 Season 1
We are happy to share that our first Season of JOM exercise programme had successfully concluded! The JOM exercise programme is a pilot initiative which focuses on promoting active ageing and expanding social network within the heartland community. The first season was concluded with a total of 11 sessions from January 2019 to March 2019. […]Volunteer Recruitment Drives
Volunteering can be an exciting, growing, enjoyable experience. It is truly gratifying to serve a cause, practice one’s ideals, work with people, solve problems, see benefits, and know one had a hand in them. ~Harriet Naylor Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, […]Outing to Kidzania on 10/4/19
Dear Parents, We will be organizing an outing to KidZania @ Sentosa on 10 April 2019! Children will be able to experience carefully crafted role-play activities. There will be classroom lessons that will reinforce practical applications in various role-play activities, where learning through play is truly exemplified. Children can expect to achieve the following learning […]Fieldtrip to Pasir Ris Park 2019
Dear Parents, We are pleased to announce that the SCC will be going for a field trip on 18 April 2019. We will be going to Pasir Ris park where children will have a wonderful day. Children will also explore the mangrove swamp located in the park. Children may get to meet the wildlife in […]CNY & Volunteer Appreciation Lunch 2019 新春和义工感谢午宴
Life Point Annual Chinese New Year & Volunteer Appreciation Lunch was held on 23 February. Our members gathered together to celebrate CNY. We also appreciated our volunteers for their efforts in reaching out to a wider general public with better services.Kidsfambonzzles 2019
As the name suggests, the programme focuses on the kids and their family bond together through making puzzles. This programme rides on the objective of Toy Library of inviting parents to bond with their kids through games. Participants consisting mothers and their kids (ages between 5 – 11) were invited to bond together through a […]“Let’s KEEP FIT for a bountiful year” – CNY 2019
HSHFSC ushered in the lunar new year early this year with a community event, aptly titled, “Let’s Keep fit for a Bountiful Year – CNY 2019″. An interactive mass Zumba workout for the young and old kickstarted the event. Participants were treated to a string of enjoyable and exciting stage performances. They also took part […]Life Point on Capital 95.8 radio interview !! 生命同行坊接受958城市频道访问!
Capital 95.8 radio station DJ Miss Ko Ee Sim (right) invites Madam Rosemary Chin (centre), our trainer, for an interview, promoting “Silver Years – Happiness from your heart” course, accompanied by Life Point social worker.Life Point service on China TV!!
China Global TV Network (CGTN), English news channel of China Central Television (CCTV), came to Life Point on 30 Jan 2018, introducing one of our services in promoting Advance Care Planning (ACP).“迈向圆满人生” 讲座
《迈向圆满人生》讲座一共两堂课,让你了解乐龄人士在新加坡可以获取什么资源和服务,以及如何规划人生最后阶段,从而拥有无憾人生。 精心为55岁及以上人士设计,欢迎各位报名参加!生命回顾学习小组
“生命回顾学习小组” 透过游戏、讨论分享等活动,协助参加者欣赏及肯定自己的过去,让参加者更积极活好现在,坦然面对将来。Life Review Workshop
Life Review aims to help participants by games, discussion and sharing sessions etc to: achieve ego integrity provide emotional and spiritual support preserve elderly identity while shaping and evaluating it in a new way“Towards a Good Death” Workshop
If you are curious about how to “leave well”, come and discover the meaning of good death!规划善终学习小组
“规划善终学习小组”透过游戏、讨论分享等活动,让参加者了解如何做好规划,迎接人生的最后阶段。Call for pre-school teachers to get day off
Ms Wendy Tan, 50, principal of MacPherson Sheng Hong Childcare Centre, said: “We give our teachers the day off on Teachers’ Day,小型学前教育业者担心学生进一步减少
麦波申城隍托儿中心校长陈丽卿说,她的中心近年在激烈竞争下,已面对收生人数减少的情况。Global Warming Talk
We were glad to invite Mr Goh from Earth Society to share with the children about the causes and effects of the world environmental changes of climates.Child Protection Awareness
The workshop was brought to us by “Big Love”, the child protection specialist centre under the program by Monfort care.Chinese Calligraphy
Conducted by Hwa Chong Junior College Chinese Calligraphy Club, it was a six sessions of Chinese Calligraphy, brush painting and paper cutting workshop.we need help Volunteer
We believe that every individual is endowed with talents and skills that may bring benefits the community at large. The efforts and time contributed by one person can make a significant difference in the lives of another person. Learn More