Closure of Hougang Sheng Hong FSC
In response to heightened precautionary measure to introduce circuit breaker for COVID-19, our Centre premises will be closed from 7 April 2020 to 1 Jun 2020. All our staff will continue to work remotely from home to serve you. Should you need help or assistance, please call 62895022 during the following operation hours:
Monday to Friday: 9am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am – 1pm
为减低2019冠状病毒的传播风险,本中心将於 4月7日至6月1日 期间暂停开放,我们所有的职员将於家中继续遥距为您提供服务。如有服务需要,请於办公时间致电 62895022 与我们联络。我们的办公时间如下︰

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