
Kindergarten 1 (4+ years to 5+ years)

In kindergarten 1, the children participate in a programme that balances academics and creative learning experiences. While still needing a nurturing environment, most children at this age are anxious to build on what they have already learned. Reading is taught in small groups using the phonics method. Mathematics is introduced using “manipulatives” and activity sheets, thereby encouraging the children to learn from their own experience of the concepts taught. Handwriting skills are reinforced and expanded upon, and a whole language approach is used to enable them to understand the relationship between the words we speak, write and read.

Music, arts and crafts, sharing, “hands on” science, cookery, art, and story-time are very important components of our kindergarten 1 programme too. Creative learning centres are also set up in the classroom to promote learning through play. The Kindergarten 1 children are encouraged to respect the rights of others, work together and have fun while learning.

Kindergarten 2 (5+ years to 6+ years)

Kindergarten 2 children are introduced through an integrated approach of integrating language arts (bilingual), reading, math, science, creative arts, music and movement, pretend play and dramatization, cookery and social studies. The emphasis is on helping children acquire a deep and thorough understanding of specific thematic topics.

Through the activities, we encourage the children to think critically and creatively. Thinking skills are promoted through exercises that require understanding, interpretation, application, and evaluation. The use of “manipulatives” and “hands on” approach to learning enable the children to acquire knowledge through their own experience, often by trial and error.

Chinese Language Arts

K1 and K2 Chinese Language lessons will be more structured. The children will be exposed to more opportunities for creative expression through written exercises, daily class discussions, games and dramatization. To promote a love for the Chinese language and culture, the teaching of ‘三字经’ and ‘弟子规’ have been incorporated as part of the Chinese curriculum.


Welcome Back to School K1 & K2 Children


Our Learning Activities




See more:

Newsletter K1 (English)   Newsletter K1 (Chinese)
 K1 (E)  K1 (C)
 Newsletter K2 (English)  Newsletter K2 (Chinese)
 K2 (E)  K2 (C)

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