Extended Interview of Cover Story in latest Life Point newsletter! 生命同行坊最新会刊封面故事的详细访问内容!
Life Point just published the latest newsletter and the cover story is about the “Live Well Leave Well” event in support of the inaugural National Advance Care Plan (ACP) week.
You can read the newsletter here
This is the extended interview of organizers
This is the interview summary between Life Point (LP) and Mrs Sara Tan (ST), Executive Director of Society of Sheng Hong Welfare Services and Ms Chee Wai Yee (WY), Senior Director of Montfort Care on their experience in co-organising this special event – Live Well Leave Well on 12-13 May 2019 at the Open Plaza outside Chinatown Point (shopping centre).
LP: What makes your agency decide to organize this event?
ST: Both Life Point, a project under Sheng Hong and Montfort Care have programs serving the seniors and we believe in the value of starting conversations in Advance Care Planning early in the community. This event aligns with the mission of both agencies in supporting seniors for making informed decisions for themselves and ensuring that their wishes are respected.
WY: We are strong advocates of planning ahead and ensuring the conservations about care planning are promoted in the community so that more people can benefit. Meeting a fellow professional colleague who shares the same belief is the first step to consider working together and sharing resources and strength to do better what we are already separately doing.
LP: What are the messages you wanted to communicate to the public from this event?
ST: The message that we want to communicate is that Advance Care Planning is never too early and it is not a taboo. Rather, it is a way of caring and respecting self. With the facilitation of skilled facilitator, seniors can express their wishes to their loved ones so that the latter will know how to respect the wishes of the seniors. It is a way to share love and care towards each other.
LP: Any challenges faced while preparing for the event? What is the most memorable experience?
WY: Working together for the first time, the two staff teams have to learn to work within their own team and across teams. I must say both sides were very open, accommodating and willing to understand the different systems and processes and find ways to around any constraints. Both sides contributed what we have generously – volunteers, expertise, contacts, time and money to make the event possible. I am very grateful to colleagues and volunteers from both teams.
ST: This is the very first time that staff from the two agencies working together. I am happy that we can develop good teamwork within a short period of time. We shared our resources and complimented each other in many ways with our unique strength and capabilities.
WY: The interfaith forum has left an indelible impression on me. I think we should have more of such dialogues as the spiritual traditions of multi-ethnic Singaporeans have a strong influence on their decision making related to care choices at end-of-life.
ST: I agree. Our action is often guided by our belief and values. Having a conversation on Advance Care Planning provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our belief and values which will influence our decision in action and planning. The interfaith dialogue forum triggered our personal reflection and also provided us with a glimpse to understand how religion plays a part in supporting our decision making.
LP: What is “Live Well Leave Well” to you?
WY: To me, living well and leaving well takes a community. I cannot live well and leave well if others in my community are not able to do so. We need policies, infrastructure, services and the right mindset of individuals to enable living and leaving well.
ST: On a more personal level, Live Well Leave Well is when we have our wishes fulfilled, with little regret, having made peace with ourselves and with others, that we have accomplished our life purpose.
生命同行坊刚出版最新一期的会刊,封面故事是关于 “活得精彩 走得自在” 活动,是由生命同行坊和蒙福关爱为响应第一届全国预先护理计划周。各位可以在此阅读会刊。
主办者的话 – 为社区长者 携手合作
我们生命同行坊很高兴与城隍慈善基金会执行主任陈胡丽群女士和蒙福关爱资深总监朱慧儿女士之间进行访谈, 分享主办这次“活得精彩 走得自在”活动的经验。这个活动已于2019年5月12日至13日,在牛车水唐城坊商场的户外广场举行。以下是访谈摘要。
生:生命同行坊 陈:陈胡丽群女士 朱:朱慧儿女士
生:你认为怎么样算是 “活得精彩 走得自在” ?
陈:我觉得一个人要 “活得精彩,走得自在”,需要实现自己的心愿,可以与己和,与人和,并达成自己的人生目的,没有留下太多遗憾。

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