Next Life Book Project 数码善别服务
Next Life Book Project 数码善别服务
Have you ever thought of a way to comfort your loved ones when you’re no longer around? What if you can leave a message/photo/video for them, and pass life lessons to your future generations? Life Point collaborated with NextLifeBook to bring this service to you – FREE! Imagine your loved one received video with your appreciation and expression of love to them, or even a bouquet of flowers on special occasions, the comfort would mean a lot to them.
Click here to download the brochures.
We are currently recruiting members of the public to join us on this project. Interested? Drop us a call at 6538 9877 to find out more.
可曾想过在您离世后,可以怎样安慰您的挚爱?生命同行坊与合作伙伴Next Life Book推介免费数码服务予长者。想像您的亲属在哀伤中若收到了您生前为他们录制的短片,(甚至在特别节日倍思亲时收到一束花),向他们道谢道爱,那将是何等的安慰。
我们目前正在招募公众加入这项计划。若您有兴趣的话,请拨打6538 9877查询。

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The efforts and time contributed by one person can make a significant difference in the lives of another person.
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