Parent-Teacher Conference

AIC Community Care “Thank You” & “Born To Care” Campaign
10 October 2020, Saturday
#ThankYouProject We might not know their faces, or even their names. But that doesn’t stop Community Care staff from touching our seniors’ lives, every single day. Help us thank our Community Care heroes at #BornToCare We are all looking for that calling – that one thing that we were born to do. […]

Hougang Sheng Hong FSC is Social Media ready!
06 August 2020, Thursday
We’re on social media and we’d love you to give us a follow! At HSHFSC, we would love to share healthy tips, contests and stay updated on the latest news and information. We would love for you to join us on our journey to celebrate our successes and empower the community. Click on the link […]

Deputyship Duties Webinar 代理人代理人行使权及义务 网络研讨会
16 July 2020, Thursday
Know of a newly-appointed Deputy who is caring for someone who has lost mental capacity? Invite them to our upcoming webinar on Deputyship Duties (in Mandarin)! Date: 29 July 2020 (Wednesday) Time: 6:30pm – 8pm Participants will gain access to real-time, online training and resources to better carry out duties as a Deputy. Register now […]

Re-opening of Life Point Office 生命同行坊办公室重新开放
01 July 2020, Wednesday
Under the latest guidelines from the Ministry of Health, anyone who enters Life Point must check-in using the Safe Entry system, wear a mask, measure body temperature. Clients are only allowed into our centre on an appointment basis. We will also continue to run our popular talks online to make up for the restriction on […]

Registration for Year 2020 & 2021
18 June 2020, Thursday
Registration is now opened for Year 2020 & 2021 The centre is now opened for new registration! Interested parents please call us at 68585862 to find out more about our curriculum and make an appointment to visit us at 175 Macpherson Road (348537). We look forward to meeting you.

Next Life Book Project 数码善别服务
23 April 2020, Thursday
Next Life Book Project 数码善别服务 Have you ever thought of a way to comfort your loved ones when you’re no longer around? What if you can leave a message/photo/video for them, and pass life lessons to your future generations? Life Point collaborated with NextLifeBook to bring this service to you – FREE! Imagine your loved one […]

Community Support during Covid-19 Circuit Breaker Period
20 April 2020, Monday
“Helping People Makes This World A Better Place!” and I cannot agree more to this quote by Catherine Pulsifer. And indeed a group of donors did just that during this difficult period. The group aptly named as “Covid-19 Support Group” where they generously supported our Client’s children with laptops to cater to their home-based […]

Closure of Life Point office
06 April 2020, Monday
Please be informed that Life Point’s office in Chinatown will be closed from 7 Apr 2020 to 1 June 2020 in accordance with the latest government guidelines on COVID-19. Our hotline, 6538 9877, remains in operation. We wish you all good health. 配合政府关于新冠病毒的最新措施,生命同行坊在牛车水唐城坊的办公室将于4月7日至6月1日暂停开放。这段期间您仍可拨打查询电话65389877,会有同事接听。祝各位身体健康!

Parent-Teacher Conference
06 April 2020, Monday
Parent-Teacher Conference Via Zoom Date : Saturday, 25 April 2020 Time : 8:30 am – 1:00 pm Parent–Teacher Conference is a great opportunity to: discuss your child’s progress share your child’s strengths and needs work with the teacher to help your child do well in school

Parent Workshop
04 April 2020, Saturday
Dear parents, In view of the current COVID-19 development, MOE and MSF have announced that Student Care Centre to suspend service from 8 April 2020 till 4 May 2020. Therefore, the coming Parent Workshop on 17 April 2020 will be cancelled. Please monitor your kid for fever three times a day. Lets us all do […]

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