LPA NSA Workshop 持久授权书工作坊

LPA NSA Workshop 持久授权书工作坊
25 March 2024, Monday
We no longer offer the LPA workshop 我们不再提供LPA工作坊 Please join our 2-in-1 educational talk 请参加我们的 二合一教育讲座

Advance Care Planning 预先护理计划
22 February 2024, Thursday
Walking directions from Potong Pasir MRT 如何从波东巴西地铁站前往我们中心: https://youtu.be/1s0Yq4GJzY8 Directions from bus stop to our centre 如何从巴士站前往我们中心: https://youtu.be/BRwVBVklipk Advance Care Planning & Advance Medical Directive 预先护理计划以及预先医疗指示 (ACP & AMD) Advance Care Planning (English) https://youtu.be/5ZThCErrrUE Advance Medical Directive (English) https://youtu.be/nziXLOESHWI 预录视频: 预先护理计划(中文) https://youtu.be/CWQ1qo45ihk 预先医疗指示(中文)https://youtu.be/pgUNB_10izQ For more information, please call us at 6239 0936. 查询更多详情,请致电 6239 […]

生命同行坊 x 全国乐龄学苑:汉语拼音课程
13 October 2023, Friday
想要学习如何用汉语拼音更便利的发送简讯?那就来参加有由生命同行坊主办,全国乐龄学苑赞助的汉语拼音班课程。 报名链接 : https://forms.gle/AjDw6f43KqwJENpf8

Brain Stimulating Workshop (English)
05 October 2023, Thursday
Good news! Life Point will be offering Brain Stimulating workshop in English in the month of October 2023. This is the first time Life Point is offering this popular course to English-speaking seniors. We hope that more seniors can benefit from this course to keep their brains […]

05 October 2023, Thursday
快来参加11月份的“玩出健康快乐的大脑”课程,通过不同的游戏,锻炼您的大脑。 您可通过以下链接或拨打电话 8321 2181 报名。 https://forms.gle/s3rNoE9zvi831Pxb8 名额有限!

Macpherson Sheng Hong Childcare Centre Open House 2023
28 July 2023, Friday
Hi everyone, we are going to have an open house at Macpherson Sheng Hong Childcare Centre on 30 Sept 2023 (Sat) from 9am to 12pm! For more details, please refer to the publicity poster. Hope to see you there!

NSA: Japanese Pastel Nagomi Art 日本和谐粉彩指绘
09 June 2023, Friday
Come to explore the beauty and fun of creating Japanese Nagomi Pastel Art. This is an art of which pastel pigment powers are applied with the fingers to create a gentle soft, heart-warming and inspiring art piece through simple yet unique ways of panting. The process of painting will calm one’s feeling and […]

Culinary Workshop in collaboration with Sennett NC interest group
06 April 2023, Thursday
We’ve resumed Culinary Interest Group! (28 March 2023) The cooking sessions are facilitated by Sennett residents and participants are mostly from Sennett Estate. Today’s menu we have Taro sweet sand and steam yam cake. Participants feedback that this gave them the opportunity to meet their friends/ neighbors through their favorite culinary session. This will be […]

Footprints of Life 3 《那些年。。。生命足迹》3
20 March 2023, Monday
As part of Life Point’s efforts in encouraging seniors to preserve their memories, we have been organising the ‘Autobiography Writing’ course under National Silver Academy (NSA) with the help of Trainer, Mr Yeo Thiang Swee. The process of writing aims to help seniors review their life and pass down their legacy to their descendants and […]

Upcoming Programmes
16 March 2023, Thursday
Suicide prevention is everyone’s business. It is Society of Samaritan’s (SOS) ambition to shift from a culture of silence, to one of openness and empathy, though empowering the wider community to be more vigilant and encourage them to keep a look out for anyone in distress. SCDF has a Community Emergency Preparedness Programme (CEPP) which […]

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