About Us

MacPherson Sheng Hong Childcare Centre is committed to serving the community with quality and affordable childcare. Established by the Society of Sheng Hong Welfare Services, MSHCCC (SPARK-accredited) is housed in a 2-storey building with a uniquely spacious compound in the heart of Sennett Estate. It features ample outdoor space designated for water play, sand play, cycling, basketball, and an edible garden, providing every child with a unique learning experience.

We believe that children regardless of their race, religion, or financial background should have access to quality preschool education in a safe and nurturing environment. Our holistic curriculum focuses on the whole child by developing the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. Our lessons are intentionally planned to create a positive learning environment for our children to develop the skills, knowledge, and values that will serve them for a lifetime.

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