Resumption of normal opening hours

Resumption of normal opening hours
22 February 2023, Wednesday
With the easing of Covid-19 measures, evening sessions have resumed. The opening hours are now as per below. Normal Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 5.30pm Saturday: 9am – 1pm (By appointment only) Closed for lunchtime: 1pm – 2pm Extended Opening Hours: Thursday: 6pm – 8pm (Temporarily suspended)
Unexpected Journeys English Book Project
15 March 2022, Tuesday
(中文) Back to the Unexpected Journeys…. The “Unexpected Journeys: A collection of short stories” launched in a special date and time, at 2:22pm on 22/2/22. It reads the same from left to right and right to left. It was also a happy “twosday”. It was a big day for us as we have been preparing […]

Footprints of Life 2 《那些年。。。生命足迹》2
20 December 2021, Monday
中文版 As part of Life Point’s efforts in preserving the memories of seniors, we had collaborated with Mr Yeo Thiang Swee (Trainer) on several occasions to organise an ‘Autobiography Writing’ course for the seniors via National Silver Academy (NSA). This autobiography book ‘<<那些年……生命足迹2>> Footprints of Life 2’ is a culmination of efforts from the […]

< 那些年...生命足迹2 > 新书发布会 Footprints of Life 2 Book Launch
15 December 2021, Wednesday
As part of Life Point’s efforts in preserving the memories of seniors, we had collaborated with Mr Yeo Thiang Swee (Trainer) on several occasions to organise an ‘Autobiography Writing’ course for the seniors via National Silver Academy (NSA). This autobiography book ‘<<那些年……生命足迹2>> Footprints of Life 2’ is a culmination of efforts from the NSA 2021 […]

Interfaith Forum 跨宗教论坛 2021
19 November 2021, Friday
中文版 In October 2021, Life Point conducted our first Interfaith forum via Zoom (in both English and Mandarin). We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the invited speakers, moderators, and the audience who have helped to make our Interfaith Forum a great success. Through this forum, we hoped to address the quest for […]

Change of Opening Hours for Hougang Sheng Hong FSC
19 May 2021, Wednesday
In response to the Enhanced Precautionary Measures to fight against the community spread of COVID-19 viruses, do note that the evening sessions for FSC will be temporarily suspended with immediate effect and will be reviewed upon Multi Ministry Taskforce further advice. Our staff will continue to work serve you on a split team arrangement basis. Should you […]

Court Appointed Deputy
07 January 2021, Thursday
A Deputy is a Court-appointed decision maker for someone who can no longer make his or her own decisions. Has your loved one lost mental capacity, without first making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)? Want to find out more about the roles of a Deputy and how you can apply to be one? Watch […]

Enhanced Precautionary Measure Against COVID-19
04 December 2020, Friday
Dear Parents, As we are preparing for the transition to TraceTogether-only SafeEntry for all by January 2021, all students entering the centre will need to use TraceTogether Token or Mobile App for SafeEntry check-in. Kindly ensure that your child has the TraceTogether Token or download the latest TraceTogether app onto his/her mobile phone as soon […]

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2020
19 October 2020, Monday
Singapore Hospice Council (SHC) is celebrating the annual World Hospice and Palliative Care Day in the month of October 2020! Do join in the free upcoming “HeARTS in ACTion” Webinars on 24 and 25 October 2020 as we continue to celebrate World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2020. To register, please scan the respective QR […]

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