Lasting Power of Attorney 持久授权书
Lasting Power of Attorney 持久授权书 (LPA)
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows a person who is 21 years of age or older to plan the management of his affairs in the event of a loss of mental capacity.
In the LPA, the person making the LPA (known as the donor) appoints one or more persons (known as the donee) to act and make decisions on his behalf.
A donee should be someone you trust who is reliable and competent to act on your behalf. The use of an LPA is especially important if one is a sole breadwinner for the family, or is frequently beset with health problems.
As of end-March 2018, over 43,000 people have applied to make LPAs. Do note that there are many types of powers of attorney, and that the LPA is one special type that applies in the loss of mental capacity.
Want to learn more about Lasting Power of Attorney? Attend our informational talk to find out more. Upon completion of the talk, interested parties can choose to complete their LPA with our assistance. Click here for our talk schedule, costs and registration.
持久授权书 (LPA)
当一个人因意外事故, 疾病或老化而失去心智能力时, 他的生活起居, 财产(包括财物和存款)的处理,由谁来代为决策和处理?
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