Group & Comm Work
Besides casework and counselling service, we use other modalities of social work intervention to bring upon positive change and meeting emerging needs. Such modalities include group work and community work approaches.
Group Work
From time to time, we bring people with common issues together, in small group, so that they can support one another, to learn from one another as well as to develop solutions together. Group size may vary from 4 to 12 people, and group members may be selected or openly recruited, depending on group purpose and relevance. Group types may include psycho-educational group, support group and therapeutic group.
Some examples of past group work include Parents Support Group, Psycho-educational Group for Single Parents for Stress Management, Life Review & Reminiscence Group among Seniors etc.
Community Work
As a community-based service provider, we conduct periodic needs assessment to identify emerging needs. We systematically outreach to the vulnerable and the needy in the community so that no one will fall through the cracks. Employing the Asset-based Community Development Framework, we currently reach out to the rental blocks within our service boundary, with the objective of developing a safe and healthy community whereby neighbours will support and help one another. We aim to engage residents to become active contributors to make improvement to the community that they are living in.
If you are interested to volunteer your service to support us in community outreach, please contact us at 62895022.

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