
< 那些年...生命足迹2 > 新书发布会 Footprints of Life 2 Book Launch
15 December 2021, Wednesday
As part of Life Point’s efforts in preserving the memories of seniors, we had collaborated with Mr Yeo Thiang Swee (Trainer) on several occasions to organise an ‘Autobiography Writing’ course for the seniors via National Silver Academy (NSA). This autobiography book ‘<<那些年……生命足迹2>> Footprints of Life 2’ is a culmination of efforts from the NSA 2021 […]

Interfaith Forum 跨宗教论坛 2021
19 November 2021, Friday
中文版 In October 2021, Life Point conducted our first Interfaith forum via Zoom (in both English and Mandarin). We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the invited speakers, moderators, and the audience who have helped to make our Interfaith Forum a great success. Through this forum, we hoped to address the quest for […]

Court Appointed Deputy
07 January 2021, Thursday
A Deputy is a Court-appointed decision maker for someone who can no longer make his or her own decisions. Has your loved one lost mental capacity, without first making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)? Want to find out more about the roles of a Deputy and how you can apply to be one? Watch […]

Deputyship Duties Webinar 代理人代理人行使权及义务 网络研讨会
16 July 2020, Thursday
Know of a newly-appointed Deputy who is caring for someone who has lost mental capacity? Invite them to our upcoming webinar on Deputyship Duties (in Mandarin)! Date: 29 July 2020 (Wednesday) Time: 6:30pm – 8pm Participants will gain access to real-time, online training and resources to better carry out duties as a Deputy. Register now […]

Re-opening of Life Point Office 生命同行坊办公室重新开放
01 July 2020, Wednesday
Under the latest guidelines from the Ministry of Health, anyone who enters Life Point must check-in using the Safe Entry system, wear a mask, measure body temperature. Clients are only allowed into our centre on an appointment basis. We will also continue to run our popular talks online to make up for the restriction on […]

Next Life Book Project 数码善别服务
23 April 2020, Thursday
Next Life Book Project 数码善别服务 Have you ever thought of a way to comfort your loved ones when you’re no longer around? What if you can leave a message/photo/video for them, and pass life lessons to your future generations? Life Point collaborated with NextLifeBook to bring this service to you – FREE! Imagine your loved one […]

Closure of Life Point office
06 April 2020, Monday
Please be informed that Life Point’s office in Chinatown will be closed from 7 Apr 2020 to 1 June 2020 in accordance with the latest government guidelines on COVID-19. Our hotline, 6538 9877, remains in operation. We wish you all good health. 配合政府关于新冠病毒的最新措施,生命同行坊在牛车水唐城坊的办公室将于4月7日至6月1日暂停开放。这段期间您仍可拨打查询电话65389877,会有同事接听。祝各位身体健康!

“Footprints of Life” Book Project 《那些年。。。生命足迹 》计划
20 January 2020, Monday
Footprints of Life 那些年。。。生命足迹 As part of Life Point’s efforts in preserving the memories of seniors, and assisting them in passing down their legacy to their descendants or general members of the public, the idea for the “Footprints of Life” book was born. This book was co-authored by 14 seniors, who all participated in Mr […]

Extended Interview of Cover Story in latest Life Point newsletter! 生命同行坊最新会刊封面故事的详细访问内容!
11 June 2019, Tuesday
Life Point just published the latest newsletter and the cover story is about the “Live Well Leave Well” event in support of the inaugural National Advance Care Plan (ACP) week. You can read the newsletter here This is the extended interview of organizers This is the interview summary between Life Point (LP) and Mrs […]

Seniors complimentary Eye check-up 长者免费眼睛检查
11 June 2019, Tuesday
111 Seniors benefitted from the complimentary Eye check-up on 16 June 2019. This event is made possible by Singapore National Eye Centre, Lions Save Sight Centre and SG Serve. 6月16日,我们为111位长者免费检查眼睛。衷心感谢新加坡全国眼科中心,Lions Save Sight Centre 和 SG Serve 把这项活动带给社区的老人家。

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