Memories and Legacy 生命足迹
Memories and Legacy 生命足迹
With the mission of wanting to reduce the taboo of discussing death-related issues and to promote greater respect for life, Life Point partners with various stakeholders to increase societal acceptance and concern towards the aged.
As the term “Memories and Legacy” suggests, projects, events, or activities that are organised as part of this are focused on preserving the memories of seniors and assisting them in passing down their legacy to their descendants or general members of the public.
We aim to achieve the above-mentioned through our Legacy of Wisdom project.
Legacy of Wisdom
- 2019
- Footprints of Life Book Project
As part of Life Point’s efforts in preserving the memories of seniors, and assisting them in passing down their legacy to their descendants or general members of the public, the idea for the “Footprints of Life” book was born…. Read more
- 2020:
- Next Life Book
How would your loved ones feel when you’re no longer around? What if you can leave a message for them, to comfort them, and pass life lessons to your future generations? Society of Sheng Hong Welfare Services has collaborated with…. Read more
- 2021:
- Footprints of Life Book Project 2
As part of Life Point’s efforts in preserving the memories of seniors, we had collaborated with Mr Yeo Thiang Swee (Trainer) on several occasions to organise an ‘Autobiography Writing’ course for the seniors via National Silver Academy (NSA). This… Read more
- 2022:
- Unexpected Journeys Book Project
The “Unexpected Journeys: A collection of short stories” launched in a special date and time, at 2:22pm on 22/2/22. It reads the same from left to right and right to left.Being a group of seniors with different backgrounds, there was a diversity… Read more
- 2023:
- Footprints of Life Book Project 3With support from the trainer, 9 ordinary seniors have now become co-authors of autobiography book ‘<<那些年……生命足迹3>> Footprints of Life 3’! On the afternoon of… Read More
Legacy Giving
We would like to thank the following seniors who donated their estates to Life Point:
- Mr Tan Cheng Giap (2020)
- Mr Ng Teck Chiaw (2021)
“生命足迹” 名副其实,指的是保留长者生命故事的特别计划或活动,藉此协助长者,把他们的人生智慧传承予后辈及普罗大众。
- 2019
- 《那些年。。。生命足迹 》计划
- 2020
- 数码善别服务
数码善别服务可曾想过在您离世后,可以怎样安慰您的挚爱?生命同行坊与合作伙伴Next Life Book推介免费数码服务予长者。。。更多
- 2021
- 《那些年。。。生命足迹 》计划 2
生命同行坊本着鼓励长者 “为生命留记录,为人生创价值”的宗旨多次与培训师杨添瑞先生合作,主办乐龄学院课程“长者如何撰写。。。更多
- 2022
- 《人生旅途不期而遇》 计划
2022年2月22日是个良辰吉日,英文自传合集《人生旅途不期而遇》的线上发布会就在这一天。在这过程中,由于我们来自不同的背景,难免会有不。。。 更多
- 2023
- 《那些年。。。生命足迹 》计划 3
- 陈政业先生 (2020)
- 黄德昭先生 (2021)

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