
Enhanced Precautionary Measure Against COVID-19
04 December 2020, Friday
Dear Parents, As we are preparing for the transition to TraceTogether-only SafeEntry for all by January 2021, all students entering the centre will need to use TraceTogether Token or Mobile App for SafeEntry check-in. Kindly ensure that your child has the TraceTogether Token or download the latest TraceTogether app onto his/her mobile phone as soon […]

Parent Workshop
04 April 2020, Saturday
Dear parents, In view of the current COVID-19 development, MOE and MSF have announced that Student Care Centre to suspend service from 8 April 2020 till 4 May 2020. Therefore, the coming Parent Workshop on 17 April 2020 will be cancelled. Please monitor your kid for fever three times a day. Lets us all do […]

Parent Workshop
04 March 2020, Wednesday
Dear parents, Please be informed that due to the current COVID-19 situation, the above workshop will be re-scheduled to 17th April 2020 Friday from 6.15pm till 7.15pm. We strongly encourage parents to sign up for the workshop. Parents will be able to understand the importance of core values, and learn how to instill good values […]

NUS CSC Day 2020
09 January 2020, Thursday
Dear parents, NUS Students’ Community Service Club is inviting our children to join them on their 15th CSC Day at NUS on 18th January 2020. Our children will be able to forge connections and interact with other youth, elderly and persons with intellectual disability in this coming event. In addition, they will learn to […]

Indian Festival of Art
09 November 2019, Saturday
Dear parents, We are pleased to inform you that our children are invited by Esplanade to attend the Indian Festival of Art on 23rd November 2019. This annual festival celebrates Indian arts during the festive period of Deepavali. Our children will be able to enjoy the arts and learn about the beauty of Indian culture […]

Sustainable S’pore Gallery
15 October 2019, Tuesday
Dear parents, Great news! We are invited by Sustainable Singapore Gallery (SSG) to participate in SSG School programmes on 21st November 2019. The programmes seek to extend sustainability, character, citizenship education, science, geography and social studies learning beyond the classrooms, enhancing these efforts by providing an authentic and experiential learning platform. The programmes will equip […]

Visit to Clusia Cove on 4th Oct 2019
10 September 2019, Tuesday
Dear Parents, On 4th October 2019, we will be celebrating Children’s Day by bringing the children for picnic cum water play at Clusia Cove, Lakeside garden. Parents are highly encouraged to come along and bond with your child. Remember to bring extra clothes, towels and beach play toys (pails, buckets, shovels, water gun […]

Visit to Singapore Bicentennial Exhibition
01 August 2019, Thursday
Dear Parents The centre has organised a visit to the SG bicentennial Exhibition at Fort canning on 11 September 2019. It will be from 2pm to 5.30pm. It is free of charge and parents are invited to join us for this outing. Parents who are interested may response to us via the consent form […]

Student Care Newsletters 2019
01 August 2019, Thursday
Dear parents We are pleased to inform that our newsletter for January to June 2019 is out. Please click on the link below to view our newsletter. Newsletter 2019 Thank you. Regards Admin Image extracted from Please note that the file size of the newsletter is 31mb,

Maths workshop for parents
06 July 2019, Saturday
Dear parents We will be holding a free workshop by consultants from Aoni.Al on 2nd August 2019, Friday, from 6.15 pm to 7.15 pm. Objectives of the workshop:- -Overview of the mathematical concepts such as thinking skills and heuristics; -Conceptual approach to research-backed most effective methods to teach and […]

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