
Upcoming Programmes
16 March 2023, Thursday
Suicide prevention is everyone’s business. It is Society of Samaritan’s (SOS) ambition to shift from a culture of silence, to one of openness and empathy, though empowering the wider community to be more vigilant and encourage them to keep a look out for anyone in distress. SCDF has a Community Emergency Preparedness Programme (CEPP) which […]

Resumption of normal opening hours
22 February 2023, Wednesday
With the easing of Covid-19 measures, evening sessions have resumed. The opening hours are now as per below. Normal Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 5.30pm Saturday: 9am – 1pm (By appointment only) Closed for lunchtime: 1pm – 2pm Extended Opening Hours: Thursday: 6pm – 8pm (Temporarily suspended)

Change of Opening Hours for Hougang Sheng Hong FSC
19 May 2021, Wednesday
In response to the Enhanced Precautionary Measures to fight against the community spread of COVID-19 viruses, do note that the evening sessions for FSC will be temporarily suspended with immediate effect and will be reviewed upon Multi Ministry Taskforce further advice. Our staff will continue to work serve you on a split team arrangement basis. Should you […]

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2020
19 October 2020, Monday
Singapore Hospice Council (SHC) is celebrating the annual World Hospice and Palliative Care Day in the month of October 2020! Do join in the free upcoming “HeARTS in ACTion” Webinars on 24 and 25 October 2020 as we continue to celebrate World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2020. To register, please scan the respective QR […]

AIC Community Care “Thank You” & “Born To Care” Campaign
10 October 2020, Saturday
#ThankYouProject We might not know their faces, or even their names. But that doesn’t stop Community Care staff from touching our seniors’ lives, every single day. Help us thank our Community Care heroes at #BornToCare We are all looking for that calling – that one thing that we were born to do. […]

Hougang Sheng Hong FSC is Social Media ready!
06 August 2020, Thursday
We’re on social media and we’d love you to give us a follow! At HSHFSC, we would love to share healthy tips, contests and stay updated on the latest news and information. We would love for you to join us on our journey to celebrate our successes and empower the community. Click on the link […]

Community Support during Covid-19 Circuit Breaker Period
20 April 2020, Monday
“Helping People Makes This World A Better Place!” and I cannot agree more to this quote by Catherine Pulsifer. And indeed a group of donors did just that during this difficult period. The group aptly named as “Covid-19 Support Group” where they generously supported our Client’s children with laptops to cater to their home-based […]

Outing to Children Biennale 2019: Embracing Wonder
20 September 2019, Friday
Hougang Sheng Hong Family Service Centre organized an outing for the children whose families are beneficiaries from the in-house programmes during the September 2019 school holidays. It is an afternoon of fun and exploration at the National Gallery of Singapore for the children as well as the volunteers and staff involved. Special thanks to Deutsche […]

Commencement of JOM@237 Exercise Season 3 on 26 Aug 2019
23 August 2019, Friday
Finally, the wait is over! We are starting again after another successful run of Season 2. JOM@237 Exercise is a weekly Zumba session held every Monday from 930am to 12 noon. Activities include Zumba exercises and thereafter followed by Health Talk or Cooking Demonstration. Watch this space or the notice board outside our FSC for […]

Introductory session of “Wonderful Life Review Workshop” by Life Point
30 July 2019, Tuesday
Life Point conducted an introductory session of “Wonderful Life Review Workshop” at our FSC for our Gold Zumba seniors on 22 Jul7 2019. The turn-up rate was positive as it can be seen from their participation and willingness to share. Members responded through registration for both Mandarin & English workshop.

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